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How to create a freelancer account.
At Present Freelancer is good way of earning. How to earn money in freelancer. Best free site of the world.



Beginning a freelancing career is one of the most exciting things you’ll ever do. May be it’s the thrill of giving your nine to five the flick, may be it’s the prospect of being your own boss, or may be its just the knowledge that you are the master of your destiny. While freelancing is in vogue science early nineties it is only in the last two decades that it has come up in a such a big way that certain areas as journalism content, development, software development, business develop mention, coaching or creative services have totally or largely been taken over as freelancers.
Freelancing today has become largest economic segment in many countries.

Why Freelancing?
Compared to cost of a regular worker, freelancing is known to have cut operating costs by more than 60%. Today, in the competitive market place, many projects are simply not affordable with regular employees that are entitled to sick pay, insurance cost, holiday pay etc. Besides, with freelancers you can select from vast variety of skill-sets, have no permanent business liability and are easier to hire and fire.

Why is Freelancer?
A freelancer is some one who doesn’t work for one company full-time, but is hired by different companies for certain jobs. For example, a magazine or website will have a core team of editors who hire freelance writers to write articles, or a TV production crew might hire freelance cameramen to work on one series of programmers.

How does it work?
There are many ways to float a job for a freelancer; however internet remains the most favorable medium. There are many sites on the net that allow floating of a job for freelancing at a small commission. If you are looking for a freelance web designer in London (, you can ask for specimen of their previous projects. Both the parties can check the rating earned by other party on previous assignments.     
Remuneration structure
Remuneration at freelancing job is at fraction of wages of regular worker and can cut costs by more than 60% compared to the salary of regular worker.
Payment for freelance work varies greatly. Depending upon the assignment and the skill set, Freelancers may charge by the day or hour, flat fee or even based on milestones or outcomes.

Some pitfalls of Freelancing
There is no entry qualification for a freelancer and any body with some talent and spare time at hand can work as freelancer. Freelancing work is often on a project-by- projects basis. If you think you have a talent and some time available, you may think of supplementing your income as a freelancer.

How to Start Freelancing
First, you should identify your skills and compare it not only against your competitors, but rather the demand of the market as well for the skills you possess. Approaching companies with an impressive resume is the stepping-stone to your successful freelancing career. How you present your self in your portfolio tells volumes about your capabilities and aspirations. So creating a good resumes either you or by a professional is important.

If you possess a multitude of skills, then all you need to do is focus on your strongest points that are also the most sought- after services in the industry. You need to pick at least the two most proficient services you can carry out in an effective manner from your wide array of skills in order to determine the market ability of your services.

A website will come in handy. This is the most cost-effective means for you to advertise and market your services. You would also need a SEO consultant in order for your website to actually reach your intend market which is, in this case, prospective clients.

Next, you need to know just where your targeted market of clients go to chat abut their needs for the services you offer. Web forums will definitely be a crucial element in your plants of freelancing. You should actively participate in the conversations that can be found ensuring in such web forums, and you should keep in mind that advertising your services to the point of being accused of actually spamming will be severely detrimental to your plans of freelancing your way to success.

Finally, you should keep your rates as competitive as the cheapest rates out there in the outsourced markets.

Where to Start
First step before starting as freelancer is to assess the competition in the niche selected, size of market, its ability to absorb new players etc.

Promote your visibility as a freelancer
Best resource on the net to get freelancing work is your profile. As a freelancer, you must work on promote your visibility in the marketplace. A website would help you a lot as where you can display examples of your work. Contribute article to relevant directories with your author information.
If you are a beginner, do some jobs as volunteer to help people notice you and rate your work. By Abdullah Mahmood. 

Freelancer Success story-

Hello Dear viewer I am Abu Musa. I live in kalaroa of satkhira. It is a true story and believable. I did not know about online income by computer. One day I knew by TV channel that was internet money earning. That’s End. After some days I bought a computer with a modem. I saw some information by google search engine. The keyword was “how to money earn from online.  

Without it I had known about earning that was PTC site. PTC means Paid to click. But it is investment system. I do not know about this. If I invest $240, I will get $60 in every month. I had understood it is good system of earning. I had invested $1200. After 3 months, this site has escaped. Now what can I do. I joined a software organization. After completing some work I Bid free lancer and Odesk. I have started some earning but it was so hard working.

Hard work means success. At present I am working Freelancer and google adsense. Google adsense working is so hard but very interesting. Want to work in google adsense follow google adsense.

If you want to earn money from freelancer, just go ……
Freelancer and sign up here. For earning money complete profile up to 40%+ and Bid any project. Start money earning.

Thank you dear reader read attentively and follows these links. Follow this site and start money earning. For money earning plan share all of your friends and invite them for money earning from online. Thank you and yours. 

Success Story
At the modern age odesk is the best way of freelancing. If you try more and more, you will be must success. That is Example Habibur Rahaman.

For working here, you have to know good English. If you are a student, you have to mind that your exam always closing at the door. Besides study you have to work. Always be conscious about “Don’t waste your time”

If you want to work this site Sign up here. Complete your profile 100% and Bid on a project for working. After completing your profile your skill should be increased. So you can start Exam. If you failed in Exam, you will not give any exam in one month.

Go to Odesk and Sign up there. Earn money and enjoy your life.

Success Story Of Odesk
Which person has been success from Odesk. Habibur Rahaman lives in Hezaldi at a local area. There is no netwok in that area. He reads in Satkhira Polytechnic College, Satkhira. At present he is Dhaka. He is the best students in his college. Not only a good student in his college but also he is the best student all over the Satkhira District. He is the student of computer science. At first, he had no computer for personal use. At present he is the better worker of Odesk. When he started to learn computer it was in 2007. After trying 5 years, he has succeeded in online.

He told that if any man can do it, I will earn from online. He believes that if you want to success in any work, firstly you have to know about that work and how to do it. So, you have to learn first. He also said that if you learn well in any subject, you will get a good result from that subject. So you will be must learn about online if you want to earn. Not only earning but also entertainment, learning English, updated news, Islam information, all religions, Game etc. all things you will learn.

At present he earns $500-$600 in every month from Odesk. So we can tell that in the modern age Odesk is the dependable site for earning.  

1 comment:

  1. Good summary of both pros and cons in one short write-up. Thanks.


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