What Is SEO, SEO System
Now you will have to increase visitors on your website for income from Adsense and Afflate. So many visitors create so many incomes. For increasing your visitors you have to take some technique. This systems name is SEO that means Search Engine Optimization. By using SEO, many visitors will be come your website and increase your income. Your income will come by visitors. So many visitors mean enough income.(System) Video

Now we will learn about E-mail marketing.
The most importance matter for internet business is increasing traffic on your site. Internet marketer sees how many visitors may come his website in a day and try to increase his visitors. Its has a easy that is E-mail marketing. By using E-mail marketing, visitors will increase on website.
Email is a so important of communication. At present in any task may be smaller or largest is used by E-mail. Creating E-mail marketing list you can increase visitors on your website. If you’re in your site information gather then you will get much traffic.

E-mail marketing is 2 types.
            1. Manual and 
            2. Using Software.

Now we will learn How to use it
Manual E-mail marketing:
For E-mail marketing you have to sign in your google account and Click Compose mail.
Now write E-mail address In to Box and in BCC box you will write 50 up E-mail address with use comma. Be careful that you will not space in an E-mail address only use comma. You can send 50+ E-mail in a same time. Now write your message and Click sent. You will see Notification. In this system you can send more E-mail in a same time.

Software E-mail marketing:
Use software E-mail marketing and save your time. If you use software you can save your time 95%. For use Software You have to run Atomicms Software of E-mail hunter. In hunt box you type yellow page of Email address which do you want that type URL and click search button. In this system you will get more email address and save it Word symbol. Click saves in Microsoft word file. If you want to save in Microsoft Excel selects and save. For sending Mail in same time Click sent mail that software.
For Email marketing you select new message and type a beautiful content, your website URL link and Click AtomicMS software. 

Social Site marketing
For increasing traffic Social site is the most popular site. There are many Social site such as My space, hi5, twitter, flicker, friendfinder, lbibo, iwiw, lafango, linkedln, meetin, Mog, Netlog, Mylife, nexopia, orkut, partnerup. Facebook is the most popular site in the world.

Chat Marketing
The most popular site for chat marketing is Yahoo chat marketing. You will get more visitors by chatting yahoo. For yahoo chat marketing you will run yahoo messenger software. Sign in by using yahoo ID.
Go to Message and Click Chat room/join room.
You will see a page and select a categories click yahoo room. Get a URL in Join page Click that and type Captcha Click submits.  You have entered Join Room.
Now copy your message, URL link etc and past send as box then Click sent.   

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